At Hillbrooke Osteopathic Clinic, I, Coral Brooke, want to hear your story.
If you’re struggling with pain or experiencing discomfort somewhere within your body, you may be curious to see if osteopathy could also help you manage the discomfort you’re feeling. At Hillbrooke Osteopathic Clinic, I aim to help educate and improve your quality of life and help reduce pain within the areas you’re experiencing problems.
I specialise in sports injuries; repetitive strain injury treatment; back and shoulder pain treatment; muscle pain treatment and headache treatment. I also offer shockwave therapy for a variety of injuries including: plantar fasciitis, achilles, hamstring, patellar, gluteal and tennis elbow tendinopathy. The most common issues I see come through my doors are lower back and general back pain, neck pain and pelvic pain. These kinds of problems can be very intrusive and can even make daily life insufferable for some. When you’re experiencing pain on a daily or weekly basis, it can be hard to enjoy daily life. I have spent eight years at my osteopathic clinic treating these problems, and will continue to make it my mission to help you.
Registered Osteopath, complementary therapist and S.E.N(MH) nurse (physical and learning disabilities nurse)
Being in pain can get old, fast.
Osteopathic articulation is a technique I often use to treat back and neck pain. This method is the passive movement of joints and structures to help increase mobility. This technique helps the back and neck's natural lubricating systems to surround the joint, to increase the range of motion and lowers the sensation of pain.
When it comes to pelvic pain, the type of therapy I offer comes under the structural osteopathic clinic, which focuses mainly on the musculoskeletal system.
What do osteopaths do?
Osteopaths use a variety of methods to gently manipulate your muscles to help relieve or reduce pain. The level of treatment needed can vary from person to person depending on many things: how severe the injury is, the person’s age and what sort of lifestyle they have. Common techniques used are different types of soft tissue massage and joint articulation to release tension, stretching the muscles in a controlled and supported way, to help relieve pain and mobilise your joints more.
Will it hurt?
It may well hurt as you're likely already in pain, however, hopefully it will have a positive effect on the area of injury, following the treatment.
How can osteopathy help me?
It may help reduce pain and could help manage muscle pain and spasming. It can also act as another aid alongside medication and can help improve mobility or restricted areas.​
How long do appointments last?
First appointments are 45-60mins long, follow up appointments will vary depending on the treatment plan and issue at hand.​
How many sessions of osteopathy do you need to feel results?
The number of sessions you may need would depend on the severity of the injury you have and what sort of condition the patient is in. My aim is to develop a pain management plan with you that will work best for your specific injury. How long it will take to develop this can vary from person-to-person.​
What is shockwave therapy and how can it help?
Shockwave therapy is an effective, non invasive form of treatment to help with a range of injuries, focusing on bone conditions, soft tissue pain and a multitude of muscle injuries.